Sunday, January 24, 2010

George Morris McNease

Hello to All!

I can't believe that I am almost 2 1/2 weeks late posting but our little man made his grand debut on January 7, 2010. He weighed 5 lbs. 11 ozs and was 19 1/2" long. These past two weeks have been a whirlwind for me but I think we are starting to adjust and get in some sort of routine...atleast I pray so!

I know some of you are wondering why he came earlier than expected...well here is the story. Starting in the middle of December I began having some blood pressure issues. I went to the hospital and everything was good so I was sent home on "partial" bed rest. That was December 19th. The next week at my doctor's visit everything was "ok" blood pressure was still high, but came down after I layed on my left side and the NST on Morris was good. Doctor's orders was to continue to rest. Well the week after Christmas my blood pressure was way too high and I got admitted into the hospital for a "24 hour observation"...things looked good again...but this time it was STRICT bed rest. I was MISERABLE!!! Then on January 7th my blood pressure was didn't want to come down quick after Dr. Benton talked with some other doctors...they decided it was time to meet George Morris.

We had our two week check up with Dr. Benton (yes our pediatrician is the wife to our OBGYN). Morris is a growing boy...he had grown in head, length, and weight...he weighed in at 6 lbs. 6 ozs.

He is a bundle of joy and we think he is absolutely precious! I am a nervous wreck at all times...checking on him 24/7 and making sure he is breathing...but everyone tells me that is normal behavior for a first time mom. Continue to pray for our health and peace and comfort. Hopefully I can post a picture soon! Shea has downloaded them to a hard drive but I have no idea where to find them! SORRY!

May God Bless You All!

Praising Him!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bed Rest It Is....

I apologize for not posting in a couple of weeks but with the holidays and this pregnancy we have been SUPER busy. Our Christmas was wonderful. Very busy as usual and my sister and I have a plan to try and slow down some next year. Sometimes I think we go go go and don't get to just sit and relax and enjoy the time with our family and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

Baby Update:

My blood pressure has been somewhat high. I got a migraine headache one Friday and it spiked my blood the next day I found myself in FGH (Forrest General Hospital) being evaluated. My blood pressure was great and I had to do a 24 hour urine analysis. It turns out that everything was normal. This past week I went to see Dr. B. The fluid around Baby Morris was still in a good "normal" range. His NST was good...he was wide awake and moving like crazy for Cindy. He usually isn't this active. But on a negative note my blood pressure was high and I had a "trace" of protein in my urine. I was checked (I have been dreading this for a LONG time), but I must say it wasn't too too bad. I had not dilated, but maybe thinned a little. After much debate with Dr. B we decided I should be "observed" at FGH for 24hours to make sure things were okay. This was totally precautionary and was done to ease the mind of Dr. B and ourselves. Of course, my blood pressure was perfect in the hospital, blood work was normal, and another 24 urine analysis was good. PRAISE GOD! So what does all of this mean??? BED REST for Bethany!!! I had been on what we called partial bed rest since my first visit to FGH but now I am confined to our house and can do very little. Fun Fun! Dr. B really wants Morris to stay put until atleast the 38 week mark, and maybe even the 39 week mark...Which is 2 to 3 weeks away. I keep telling myself I want Morris here and healthy so I will sacrifice whatever I need to do to accomplish a healthy baby. One to two weeks could mean the difference of going home with a baby or one that stays in the NICU. We have experienced the NICU and even though the doctors are wonderful I really don't want to go back. We know that God is in complete control of this situation. May His will be done!

So now I will be home. I will be able to work from home some which is good because it will give me something to do each day, but mainly just be lazy. I guess this will be a good time to catch up on reading and movies. I ask that you continue to pray for myself, Shea and Baby Morris. You all have been so sweet and kind to my family and I am forever grateful. I guess I better go lay down again...and watch football. There is not much else on TV.

Praising God...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We will wait another week...

Yesterday we started our weekly visits to the doctor. These visits will include an ultrasound, NST (non stress test) and doctor visit with Dr. Benton. The ultrasound is always first and went well. Baby Morris had a normal amount of fluid which is a good sign with his kidneys. His left kidney is still dilated and his right kidney is borderline dilated. In saying this, Angel (the ultrasound tech) said the structure of the kidneys still looks good. Yesterday we got to see him make some breathing motions with his chest...that was really neat! Angel said that sometimes you get to see this and sometimes not so I feel like it was God giving me a sign to calm down!

Next was the NST. I got to visit with Cindy (NST tech). She is so sweet and was so wonderful with my time with her during my pregnancy with Mary Glenn. It was good seeing her, but I told her I wanted different results this time! The NST is a monitor that measures the baby's heart rate, fetal movements, and contractions. The techs and doctors like to see a good range of heart rates and lots of movements. At first Morris was asleep and his heart rate stayed around 135-139 and of course he didn't move...HE WAS SLEEPING!!! Well Cindy had to "zap" him twice to wake him up. The first time he didn't like it and I think Cindy jumped and I screamed...too funny! But the second time wasn't as tramatic on my little man. He woke up...gave me good movement and also a range 140-160 with his heart rate. Cindy was satisfied.

Then we went to see Dr. Benton. My blood pressure was high and Dr. Benton was not happy. He threatned to make me slow down, but I promised him I would. After I layed down on my left side my blood pressure went urine was clear and I was free to go for another week!

Thanks for the prayers. I will go back on Wednesday to do it all again. Keep up the prayers!

Praising God!

Friday, December 4, 2009

7 weeks to go...

It's hard to believe that we have 7 weeks to go until we meet our sweet baby George Morris. I had a doctor's visit this week and things are still looking good. Morris measured to date at 32 weeks! He weighs 4 lbs. 2 ozs!!! We got some cute 4-D pictures of him too! His left kidney is still somewhat dilated and his right one was in the range that the doctors are okay with at this point in pregnancy. In regards to the left kidney...Angel (ultrasound tech) explained to Shea and I that the kidney being dilated is because of something on the outside of the kidney...most like his utterer (spelling???). Both kidneys look really good to her and in tact. She showed us how one would look that would bring big concern to them and Morris does not resemble that at this time. The fluid was good around the baby too which is another good sign the kidneys are working as they should. Dr. Benton seemed pleased with everything too! I absolutely love my doctor. He has to put up with alot with me as a patient...I worry and freak out very easily!! Bless his heart...he is CONSTANTLY trying to calm my fears! I will go back in two weeks. Starting then I will have an ultrasound and NST (non-stress test) on a weekly basis. At first I got upset that something may be wrong and this is why I am having to do these test each week, but it is something Dr. Perry in Jackson recommended. The ultrasound will be to check AFI (amniotic fluid) levels. This is to watch the dilated kidney. If something was to go wrong with his kidneys, the fluid level would drop. The NST is because of my past history with Mary Glenn. I just pray this time it is a different experience. I always hated the NST with Mary Glenn because she never moved and she was so small that it was hard to keep a good heartbeat on her. My appointment in two weeks is December 16th.

We also pencilled in January 21st for my c-section!!! That is in seven weeks. As much as I am ready to meet this little guy...I want him to stay in the womb as long as possible to make sure he is as healthy as he can be!

Thanks so much for all your prayers....they are definitely working. Shea and I appreciate them all so much. I ask that you continue to pray for us. Pray for health for Baby Morris and myself, pray for his kidneys, pray for continued good growth and healthy/positive NST test! Also pray for peace and comfort for Shea and I...and as always pray for God's will to be done.

Have a Merry Christmas!

Praising God...


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Mary Glenn!

Well I have dreaded the next couple of days for a year now. Today marks one year since I gave birth to my sweet angel Mary Glenn. Tomorrow marks one year since I said goodbye to that same angel and she met our Lord and Savior. Wow what a year makes. Every time I even begin to think of what happened a year ago it brings tears to my eyes. God forever changed my life November 13, 2008 and I am forever grateful to Him. This morning has been filled with many tears...happy and sad. I smile every time I think of her opening her eyes. Most chromosomal babies don't open their eyes much...Mary Glenn was different. It was like she knew she wouldn't be here long so she wanted to check us out good. I laugh every time I think of what she thought of us...I think I was crying every time I got to lay eyes on her so she probably thought her mom is a little on the wacky side. I cry every time I think of her suffering for those few minutes before we decided it was time for God to take her home. I smile every time I think that each of us got to hold her free of wires and tubes...and how she went home while I was holding her. I cry because I miss her more than words can express. I smile when I think of how Dr. Henderson prayed with us and we sang Jesus Loves Me.

As I type this I wipe tears away from my face. I can't help it but I want her here with me. I want to see her face to face. I'm selfish. Oh but I know that she is not sick right now and she is dancing and singing God's praises right this very moment. She is having the best birthday that any of us could ever ask for...she is celebrating with our Lord and Savior. I know that Mary Glenn would not want me to be sad this I will try my best to be strong for my baby girl. I often feel guilty when I feel these times of sadness...because I know I shouldn't. I should be so proud that she is in Heaven...the most beautiful place...with a healthy tears...learning about her grandparents...and celebrating with God.

As I think over the year...God has done so many amazing things in my life. First and foremost He has brought me closer to Him. I am learning each and every day more and more...and it will always be a learning process, but I have grown so close to our Lord and Savior and I am forever grateful. He has made Shea and I stronger. Shea is truly a man of God. To have watched him grow over the last year is so wonderful. He is my best friend and my husband and I love him so much. He has blessed our family. When life gives us trials to face you really see the people that mean most to you. Our families have been there for us every step of the way. God has given me such wonderful friends. Friends that care about feelings and emotions. He has blessed us with a pregnancy. Baby Morris will never know his sister in this time, but I pray that Shea and I can tell him one day about how wonderful she strong of person she was...and how she changed our lives for the better. So many more things that I could go on and on about...but right now my heart is too sad to gone on.

As I look back on November 14, 2008 I am forever grateful that I got to tell my sweet Mary Glenn...THANK YOU! God let me give birth to the most precious angel. WOW!!! I remember me telling her all things I wanted to say...God gave me that opportunity. We were not suppose to have one minute with her on this Earth and instead He gave us 20 hours! God is good! I love you all and I thank each and everyone of you for helping us through such trying times.

Blessed be this day that the Lord has made...let us be glad and rejoice in it!

Praising God!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To God be the Glory!

I don't know how to start this post...I am overwhelmed with emotions...and so grateful to all my prayer warriors. Today's visit in Jackson was a great success. From the mouth of Dr. Perry...Baby Morris is doing good. He doesn't see any major birth defects. His kidneys are still dilated...well atleast his left kidney is borderline dilated. His right kidney is looking better. We will continue to monitor with ultrasounds...probably in a month or so...and then ultrasounds after he is born. Dr. Perry is 90% positive this will correct itself at that will be our prayers!

As many of you know I have dreaded this doctor's appointment, but I am more relieved now. I am sure there will be anxiety until I see him face to face, but I am only human. Dr. P surprised me with some 4-D pictures of my little man. He is too cute if I don't say so myself. Someone asked Shea who he looked like and Shea said he looks like a baby...haha!! I am sure he will come out looking just like Shea...which is perfectly fine! Shea's a handsome guy!!! Mary Glenn had a good bit of Shea's features and I am sure this baby will be the same.

Words can't express my gratitude to you all. Please continue the prayers...they are working!!! Continue to pray for healthiness, growth, kidneys, peace and comfort, and God's will. Thanks to you all!

Praising God!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Please Pray!

This post will be short and sweet, but please remember Shea and I in your prayers. We will be going to Jackson for a morning appointment with Dr. Perry (high risk doctor) tomorrow. Please pray specifically for:

1 - Healthy Baby
2 - Good Weight/Measurements
3 - No Chromosomal Abnormalities
4 - Kidneys to look better
5 - Dr. Perry and his staff as they perform the ultrasound and give diagnosis
6 - Comfort and Peace for Shea and I
7 - God's will to be done

Thanks for the prayers!!!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139: 13-14

Praising God!