Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Nice Deer

One thing some of my blog friends may not know about me is my love for the outdoors. I love to fish and hunt. Growing up my dad always was hunting or fishing during their seasons. So sometimes my sister and I would be lucky to go. Looking back I feel sorry for dad because I know I wasn't the best little hunter...I could never be that still!!! Thankfully Shea enjoys the outdoors too and we can spend time together outside. Usually once a year during the deer hunting season I will go for a few days and hunt. Most of the time it is around Christmas time, but this year it didn't work out. So I got the itch really bad one day and decided to drive over and hunt with dad, Shea, and Danny one Saturday and Sunday. Well it wasn't the best weekend for dad and I, but Danny and Shea had great luck. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of Shea's deer because I left at lunch and he stayed with dad...but neither had a camera. Shea killed an average 8 point and Danny's deer is below. It is a 9 point...22" spread...weighing in around 220 lbs!!! Congrats Danny!