Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Calling All Prayer Warriors

Normally I would not make a post about something this serious without knowing more details, but right now all I know is that a special family needs prayers!!! Shea's cousins' 4 year baby has been diagnosed of leukemia as of late last night. All of this has happened so fast. Yesterday the mother took the baby to the doctor because of a fever and she had noticed she was bruising easily. Her white blood count was extremely high and they sent them to Jackson immediately. Sometime in the middle of the night they confirmed what everyone prayed would not happened...she does have leukemia. From my understanding they will run more test today, do a bone marrow and in the next few days we should know what stage she is in and what the next course of action will be. I will keep you all posted.

I know that our Lord does not give us anything we can not handle, but right it seems so hard to see this in that kind of light. Pray for peace and comfort on this family...strength for baby Danika as these tests are so hard for children...doctors...and most importantly that this family will turn to our Lord for strength and guidance.

With Love,


blog said...

Sending prayers your way. I miss talkig to you! We will have to do better. I think of you often and Mary Glenn also.

Alyson Strong Pitt said...

What terrible news and I am so sorry for this family and this child to have to go through this. I am praying for healing, and strength.

Sheena said...

Praying for little Danika. How is she doing? Praying for you also as all this medical stuff must be a reminder of what you went through. Love Sheena