Thursday, September 25, 2008

25 Weeks and 5 Days

Well I couldn't go two weeks without seeing my dear friend Krystal so Shea and I went to visit her this afternoon. It just so happened that she wanted to do an ultrasound and see Mary Glenn!! As most of you know me by now I am exaggerating the truth a little. I do have a wonderful friend named Krystal but it was me that bothered her today for the ultrasound. I just couldn't stand not seeing Mary Glenn and Krystal!!! I have decided that Dr. Benton needs to let Krystal have October 6th off so she can travel to Jackson with Shea and I. Everything just seems better when Krystal is with me! I also found out today that Krystal checks the Shea and I told her she was a blog celebrity! Maybe one day she will let me take a picture of her so you guys can put a face with the name. Now for the details: Everything checked out good. Mary Glenn is right on track...still only four weeks behind in development. She weighed in at 15 ounces!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! There seemed to be a lot more amniotic fluid today and she had turned another flip for us! Shea and I are so thankful to our Lord and Savior. He has brought us this far and changed us forever! He is the only one that knows the future outcome of Mary Glenn but my trust is definitely in Him! We have seen Him work with our baby and we know He has complete control!!! What a wonderful feeling!

Please continue to pray for our visit October 6th! I am so anxious for that day to get here and get the diagnosis! I pray that God is preparing our hearts for what Dr. Perry will have to say. I have two steroid shots next week, glucose test, ultraound, and doctor visit...please pray for positive results!!! I hear that the glucose test is pretty rough but if you don't pass the first one that the second one is even worse!

I will check in with you guys later! Hope you all are doing well!

In His Love,